Emergency Fueling
In the event of an emergency, fuel and power supplies are never guaranteed. But with our own transportation fleet and supply points across the Southeast, Gate Fuel Service is well positioned to support our customers in a time of crisis. The best way to ensure an uninterrupted fuel and power supply is to plan ahead!
Tank Rental Program
Having your own fuel on hand is the best way to minimize the risk of a business disruption. Fuel terminals often close before a hurricane arrives, leaving unprepared businesses in a vulnerable situation. An effective step to ensure that your business can reopen quickly after a hurricane is to secure your fuel supply ahead of time. Gate Fuel Service has a tank rental program that can help alleviate some of the concerns business owners face in anticipation of an emergency. From 500-20,000 gallons, our double-walled, safe and secure tanks may be able to offer an advantage in the face of an uncertain situation.

Generator Fueling

In the event of a disaster, you can rest assured knowing that Gate Fuel Service's highest priority is to protect the power supply of all medical facilities including hospitals and nursing homes.
Our community also relies on other essential businesses to remain open during, or in the immediate aftermath of an emergency. In preparation for such events, our drivers and dispatchers work around the clock in order to keep the generators for these facilities topped off so they will be able to continue to operate in the event of a power outage.
In order to better secure the fuel you need, we recommend adding fuel storage with our tank rental program.
To discuss your emergency fueling plan call: 904-636-9700
or email us sales@gatepetro.com